Welcome to DiVision Software's affiliates resource page.

3D-Screen-Savers.com Affiliate Program gives a third party vendor (companies or private persons) the opportunity to sell our products. For every sale made our affiliates receive at least an 30% commission from the total price of the product(s) (which can raise up to 45% for affiliates that actively promote our products).
Due to the cooperation with eSellerate we can offer our partners the most flexible and developed affiliate system currently available, guaranteeing that you will always receive the commission for every sale that you generate.
There are just three steps to get you started :
1. Create an Account with eSellerate

eSellerate is our payment processor partner. They manage all our affiliates through the exclusive eSellerate's SalesTrac Technology (EST). The signup is free and simple. As soon as you sign up, you will get an account, where the money from your sales commission will accumulate. eSellerate will transfer that money to your bank account on a monthly basis. You will also be able to see the sales history and other valuable statistics.
2. Download our Products

As soon as you get your eSellerate account, you can download trial versions of the products that you want to sell from eSellerate website. eSellerate will automatically mark these files with your affiliate ID number. That means you are guaranteed to receive your commission whenever somebody decided to buy a copy of software that has this number. But first, you will need to place these marked files on your server. There you can track how many downloads you get and apply different marketing steps you deem necessary. If you want, we can store the files on our server upon request.
3. Promote the Products

More downloads equals more sales, so in order to get more downloads advertise the products on your website, bundle them with your software products, use file sharing networks or place a download link in your newsletter. Try to be creative, the only limit we impose on our affiliates regarding the marketing is the spam. The spammers will be excluded from our affiliate system. We will also be glad to support you with ideas for your marketing campaign.
Would you like to receive additional information? Please contact us via e-mail or via phone at +40(722)242-277.